Here’s how to quickly load Michael 4 (M4) with his morphs in Poser, avoiding a half-hour of “where the heck is it!” searching:
1. First, install M4. Then ‘initialise’ M4 so that he can accept his vital set of Morphs++ morphs. Do this by running DzCreateExPFiles-M4.BAT and DzCreateExPFiles-M4Gens.BAT files which are both found on your hard-drive in your DAZ content directory, likely to be in: ..\Studio\content\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ Just double-click on each of these Windows .BAT files.
The .BAT files only need to be run the first time you ever install and use M4. After that you don’t need to touch the .BAT again, until you get a new PC or re-install Windows. (I have no idea what Apple Mac users do, as .BAT is a Windows format. I assume Mac users have an AppleScript or something like that?)
Poser’s Library can show more than one runtime. Make sure you have the one containing the M4 selected. Also be sure you don’t for some strange reason have two ..\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Micheal 4 folders.
2. In Poser’s Library, then find your installed base M4 character at – Library | Figures | DAZ People | Micheal 4. Load him to the stage/scene.
3. The M4 Morphs++ are found at – Library | Poses | DAZ’s Michael 4 | Morph Injections | and then look for the INJ Morphs++ M4 icon.
Select M4’s full Body on the stage, then double-click INJ Morphs++ M4 to inject the morphs. Alternatively you can go to ..\Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ and run the .BAT there as DzCreateExPFiles-M4 file.”
Give it a couple of minutes to work. There’s no confirmation that the new dials loaded. But they are there. You may need to select a body part to see them.
You may also want to run the DzCreateExPFiles-M4Gens.bat file which looks like it erm… ‘handles’ the naughty bits, separately.
4. Now randomly select almost any M4 body part and look down at the Parameters dials panel. Under Morphs | Shapes you should now have lots of new Morphs ++ dials for total control of M4. The injection of the Morphs++ worked.
Morphs++ is required by a good number of cool character presets, which in your runtime are usually labelled INJ BODY or INJ HEAD or similar. A youth (middle teens) body morph, for instance, is free at Renderosity as Connor for M4 (in Library: Pose | REC Connor M4).
And of course the Morphs++ dials can still be useful for manual tweaking. Here are the full-body ones…
5. Now save the Poser scene file with your fully morphed-up M4, so that you can quick-start making an M4-based character in future. You probably want to get away from the bland default M4 face as fast as possible, and there are many character heads available.
You may also want the M4 Magnet Fits which injects morphs in clothing, for fine fitting of too-puffy shoulders and suchlike.
The loading process is much the same for V4.