It’s time for another survey of the last month’s 3D content, released for DAZ Studio and Poser. Surprisingly rich pickings this month, considering it was August and most folks were on holiday. I found a moderate amount of nice sci-fi, once I started digging. Plus a wide range of other quality and unusual items.
A new Stonemason sci-fi environment is always welcome. His new Sci Fi Crew Quarters looks like a great addition to his recent sci-fi interiors range. ..
AppleJack’s new AJ Airport is nicely futuristic, and could also double as a near-future spaceport of the Virgin Galactic type…
Sentinel Explorer 225 could be the first arrival at your new spaceport…
The Q88 Martian Explorer is another nice new sci-fi vehicle, with more than a touch of Syd Mead, and with a bit of Mead-like colour would look awesome with your new spaceport in the background….
Usefully generic is SciFi Blast Bunker. With a little tweaking and Photoshop work you could probably make it anything from far-future sci-fi through to a Second World War bunker, or even an underwater mini-submarine pen entrance.
The Cyber Drone is a nicely detailed generic sci-fi attack-drone…
Oskarsson has some very weak promo pictures for his new NecroGothica HD, but it’s an interesting looking Aliens-style large environment. There have been similar alien hive environments in the past but apparently this one “displays up to 4 million polygons on your computer but the HD Morph only becomes visible when you render”…
NecroGothica could perhaps be combined with Coflek-Gnorg’s new Klingon-ish Battle Council chamber.
Hivewire has a variety of new releases of its popular Hivewire Horse, enabling various new breeds…
Need a home for your Horse Lords? The well-known designer DM has a new Essence of Fantasy scene, obviously inspired by Rohan in the Lord of the Rings (although the central butterfly motif looks more Assyrian)…
Feeling a bit more Elvish? Take a seat on the new Throne Of Summer…
Got a few Rock Trolls? The new Ridge Walk Mountains would be a very cool place for your fantasy warrior to encounter them…
Kendra for Genesis 1 looks like a useful generic character to have in your runtime…
Ironman13 gives us a slightly retro 1990s style i13 Working and some handy i13 Working Office poses keyed to it…
The Studio, for which it would be nice to see a modern home-office makeover and preset. The distant view for The Studio might be a slightly Photoshopped Summer TreeHouse Cottage.
Faveral’s Explorer’s Den looks like a fabulous piece of work. We’ve seen a handful of retro explorer / detective rooms like this before, but this one looks like it beats them all. Useful for historic role-playing gamers needing prompt cards for players, especially those in the Call of Cthulhu and Gumshoe line. Cluedo-style “the butler did it!” murder-mystery scenes also spring to mind…
Your Explorer’s Den explorer probably drives a Retro Dream V16 Special… Update: This appears to be one of the items which vanished with the demise of the RuntimeDNA store.
With the First World War commemoration around the corner, London224 has a new authentic MS14 RAF FE bi-plane…
Koggen has a nicely made merchant ship from the era of Marco Polo, only in .obj format…
And once your Marco Polo sailor has safely reached China, he may find some hungry pandas that need feeding 🙂 Bamboo Megapack looks usefully flexible since it could also be handy for a range of other uses: jungle warfare, kung-fu, exotic fantasy gardens, steampunk hothouses, even biospheres on spaceships.
Halloween is coming, and the new Immortalis may be useful for that…
Lastly, Vue users aren’t forgotten. New are Curious Stacked Shack for Vue and the Halloween-ish Curious Shaker Row Houses for Vue…
That’s it! See you next month.