The open source Storyboarder (beta with email-only access) has added a new ‘Shot Generator’. It’s a basic stage on which you have 3D objects and basic dummies. What’s nice is that the camera angle and framing is somewhat “auto”…
“Just type a description into the Shot Generator in the sidebar, press return, and generate as many shots as you’d like. Change parameters as you want. Shots are fully customizable.”
There’s also a “Random” button. You can see it in action about half way down the page, or in the 25 minute tutorial video.
Storyboarder seems to also be re-creating a sort of minimalist Poser / DAZ Studio / iClone, in some measure, but with ‘smart awareness’ of where the camera is in relation to the figures.
Once set up, you can instantly whisk the frame back into Storyboarder. Looks good.