easily exclude it. For example, to knock out DAZ forums…
dson poser -site:www.daz3d.com
Why is this needed? Because at the main Google Search you can find yourself getting tangled up in all the bot-generated spam-and-scam pages, which Google seems happy to permit in its index. The main Google Search is rapidly becoming unusable, for anything but the most basic navigational search — once past the first two pages your chances of clicking on a dangerous site are around 50:50.
How this helps: You’re still searching Google Search here, but you only get results from genuine and relevant websites that I have selected by hand. This serves as a simple filter to guard you against spam-and-scams.
Anything else in there? Yes, E-on Vue and DAZ Carrara users will also find this search tool useful. Though obviously there is less material for such software, compared to Poser and DAZ. Poser imports scenes easily to Vue, and Vue uses Python. Carrara interfaces well with Poser content, though has no native scripting for automation.
What is not in here? You will still want to search the Renderosity and DAZ forums, if you come up empty here. Google Search does not index these forums as fully as it should.
How else can I search? If you’re seriously in need of a bit of example Python code then a great way to search is to point the freeware DocFetcher at your local ..\Runtime\Python folders and let it index them. DocFetcher is your PC’s own personal search-engine, looking not just for filenames but also at text inside files. You likely have plenty of working Python scripts in those folders, to serve as good examples. You can also point DocFetcher at a folder containing the latest Poser Python Methods manual and similar documents. Note that Archive.org also has zipped archives of the old Smith Micro and RuntimeDNA forums, in text file form, and these can also be added to the mix. Archive.org also has manuals, and a partial archive of the old ArtZone Wiki.
Second opinion? The metasearch engine eTools.ch is increasingly excellent.