Sticky post: 1st May 2018. Un-sticked: 24th January 2019.
Ooops. I left off all JURN activity for a month, to write a book (Tolkien, 180,000 words), and… the webspace has vanished. The webspace hosting service got badly hacked, a while back, and the account details became disconnected from the credit-card details. The site’s still all there, just made inaccessible by the provider. I’m now considering my options, re: switching hosting/domain.
Anyway, while I get it sorted out, JURN is still accessible here:
JURN Search
This is a link to the ‘raw’ CSE page which is maintained by Google, and of course it never goes down. I see that it now offers the options for sort-by-date and image-search, which the fancy front-page was able to offer. It’s not so pretty or easy to remember the URL for, but it does the job.
The Directory of 3,000 arts & humanities journals in JURN can be had on this blog as a saved PDF.
And finally, GRAFT, my beta ‘all known repositories’ search-engine is still accessible, again via the Google-hosted version…
GRAFT : repository search, searching across full-text and records alike.
Update: With a UserScript addon you can integrate JURN right into Google Search. For instructions and links, see my blog post: JURN ‘in a UserScript’.
Update: You can also add JURN to your Bookmarks bar as an Itty.bitty link. An Itty.bitty link is the Web page, encapsulated within the bookmark itself.