The Hathi Trust has launched its own open ejournal publishing platform, the awkwardly-named jPach.
29 Sunday Apr 2012
Posted Spotted in the news
in29 Sunday Apr 2012
Posted Spotted in the news
inThe Hathi Trust has launched its own open ejournal publishing platform, the awkwardly-named jPach.
24 Tuesday Apr 2012
Posted Spotted in the news
inInteresting article on a year-old search-engine called Attrakt, which is a new one to me. It’s Italian, and its selling point is that it runs on a set of curated CSE’s (Custom Search Engines).
15 Sunday Apr 2012
Posted New titles added to JURN
inThe JURN index and Directory updated. 32 new titles added, 25 repaired.
Removed, because dead:
Colloquia back issues (1983-2007); Nordic Journal of Architectural Research; Applied Theater Researcher; Journal of Texas Music History (site live, PDFs dead); Kilvert Society Journal (now members-only); Future Reflections: Blind Children; Limit{E} Beckett (Samuel Beckett); Mots Pluriels; Literature Matters (British Council); Cineaste (articles still online, home page totally dead); Language & Ecology; Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies; ; Seachange; and PAGE.
04 Wednesday Apr 2012
Details of the new metrics that have been added to Google Scholar.