Roman Legal Tradition (was either lost or 404, but is now back in JURN in both the index and Directory)
Medicinal Plants for Economic Development (now also on DOAJ)
18 Monday Feb 2019
Posted New titles added to JURN
inRoman Legal Tradition (was either lost or 404, but is now back in JURN in both the index and Directory)
Medicinal Plants for Economic Development (now also on DOAJ)
05 Tuesday Feb 2019
29 Tuesday Jan 2019
Posted New titles added to JURN
in24 Thursday Jan 2019
Posted My general observations, New titles added to JURN, Ooops!
inI’m pleased to say that I’ve managed to regain — and the domain and URL are once again functioning and public. My apologies for the hiatus over the last six months or so.
You can, of course, also continue to search JURN via one of the other access methods which are detailed at this blog post.
23 Wednesday Jan 2019
Posted New titles added to JURN
inFixed moved links for…
Journals of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Catalonia, the articles seemingly not picked up by Catalonian OA aggregators)
Journals of the Universite Toulouse – Jean Jaures / University of Toulouse
10 Thursday Jan 2019
Posted New titles added to JURN
inFragmentology : a Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments
Codex Studies (Italian)
Reports and briefing papers archived at APO, Australia’s online archive for policy research.
01 Tuesday Jan 2019
Posted New titles added to JURN
inMosaic magazine (indexing essays only)
Journal of Historical Network Research (University of Luxembourg)
Tebeosfera (indexing ‘documentos’ only, for good footnoted essays on the history of euro-comics)
International Gramsci Society Newsletter (1992-2002)
15 Thursday Nov 2018
Posted New titles added to JURN
inJournal of Danubian Studies and Research (Regional Studies – The Danube)
Space Settlement Journal (National Space Society)
Digital Narratives of Asia (oral history / interview series)
Folia Orientalia (linguistics)
Linguistica Silesiana (linguistics)
Rocznik Orientalistyczny / Yearbook of Oriental Studies
Biodiversidade Brasileira (Brazilian nature conservation. Partially in English)
Revista CEPSUL – Biodiversidade e Conservacao Marinha (Marine nature conservation, Brazil. Partially in English)
06 Tuesday Nov 2018
Posted New titles added to JURN
in20 Saturday Oct 2018
Posted JURN metrics, New titles added to JURN
inJURN’s entire URL list has now been checked, looking for continuing presence of the URL path on Google Search results. This is the annual re-check of the core list that drives JURN’s search results, not the approx. six-weekly re-check of the JURN Directory.
I checked the specific URL path being indexed, and not just the basic domain. For example, for ITJ: The Intel Technology Journal, the URL checked was rather than just
Broken URLs were re-found and fixed, or deleted as required. Roughly 1 in every 50 URLs had broken.