Scan The World is a new site for free Creative Commons scans of real-world objects, aimed at people who want to waste time and money on making worthless plastic tat 3D-print delightful plastic objects. We’ve seen such sites before, but this one looks like it’s well-organised and commercial enough to succeed.

Sadly the 3D printing angle means that “objects” is often where it ends, as nearly all my test downloads under full Creative Commons were simple .OBJs and thus lacked the vital photogrammetric textures seen in the previews. Those that did have textures tended to be under non-commercial Creative Commons. Such as this fab 3D printable Cat Armour.

I somehow doubt has a medieval original, but there were medieval rocket-cats, so you never know…

Overall, despite the limitations and ads Scan The World is an ‘open downloads’ site and no sign-up is required to download.