A fab new open access site called Paperity has ripped all the Springer.com open access PDF articles and metadata from hybrid journals, into a TOCs directory and article pages, along with a basic search tool. I also noticed SAGE Open while trawling through the 2,000 or so titles, but otherwise it seems to be wall-to-wall Springer.com. Almost all the journals are science, but here’s my filtering of just the arts & humanities journal titles (and, of those, the ones that currently offer at least some OA articles)…

African Archaeological Review
American Journal of Dance Therapy
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Archival Science
Archives and Museum Informatics
Artificial Intelligence and Law
Asian Journal of Business Ethics
Children’s Literature in Education
Contemporary Islam
Contemporary Jewry
Continental Philosophy Review
Criminal Law and Philosophy
Dao (Taoist)
European Journal of Futures Research
Identity in the Information Society
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
International Journal of Anthropology
International Journal of Hindu Studies
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society
International Journal of the Classical Tradition
Jewish History
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
Journal of Archaeological Research
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Cultural Economics
Journal of Ethics, The
Journal of Indian Philosophy
Journal of Maritime Archaeology
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Journal of Poetry Therapy
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Journal of World Prehistory
Law and Philosophy
Marketing Letters
Neophilologus (medieval books and literature)
Neohelicon (literature)
Philosophical Studies
Philosophy & Technology
Publishing Research Quarterly
Review of Philosophy and Psychology
Review of Religious Research
Sexuality & Culture
Studies in East European Thought
Studies in Philosophy and Education
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
Water History

Since these are all indexed by Google, all OA articles from Springer are now showing up on JURN searches (if they weren’t already being brought in via JURN’s indexing of www.springeropen.com). I’ve also added the above journal links to the JURN Directory, with a “(via Paperity)” rider.