A recent survey by Civic Ventures concluded that six million of the USA’s 1960s baby boomers seriously intend, upon retirement, to use their experience to develop new non-profit organisations. And these may not look like the creaky old non-profits that we’ve known until now. They’re likely to be seriously Internet-enabled, and reasonably well funded from private sources. So, here’s a question. Some of the effort will be local (saving stray kitty cats, developing local theatres, creating new woodlands, etc) but how could some of it be directed toward open-access scholarly content? Could structured national programmes be developed to stimulate and guide useful scholarly initiatives by retirees, perhaps based on alumni associations and running alongside things like tax breaks and the promotion of legacies left to help fund open access journals and archive digitisation? And how about your local university gives free library and journals access to any retiree who starts a suitable non-profit, and then invites them all to a free annual TED-like networking event just for them?