Added to the JURN index:—
CGW : Computer Graphics World. Many of the excellent in-depth articles from recent issues are online in full-text, for free (e.g: on the CG and animation for Tron: Legacy).
28 Monday Feb 2011
Posted New titles added to JURN
inAdded to the JURN index:—
CGW : Computer Graphics World. Many of the excellent in-depth articles from recent issues are online in full-text, for free (e.g: on the CG and animation for Tron: Legacy).
David Singeisen said:
Journal Name: Ex Historia
Journal URL:
Ex Historia is the History Departmental journal at the University of Exeter (UK). We accept original, refereed articles on any historical topic. We especially invite any pieces that cover subjects of interest to the University’s history community (which can be found here:
Borrowind said:
Thanks David, it’s been added.