The UK academic service Intute has had a redesign…


Very nice it looks, too. But, unfortunately, the redesign has broken a variety of vital arts & humanities links. Below are the changes, if you’ve been linking via your Web pages to the “Latest Additions” on Intute:—

Direct links:

Was: …/artsandhumanities/latest.html

Is now split into five:

Intute: Humanities latest resources

Intute: Communication and media studies latest resources

Intute: Creative and performing arts latest resources

Intute: Architecture and planning latest resources

Intute: Modern languages and area studies latest resources

RSS feeds:

And if you’ve been following Intute by RSS, the “latest additions” RSS feed is also broken—

Was: …/latest_artsandhumanities.xml

Is now split into five:

rss-12x12 Humanities

rss-12x12 Communication and media studies

rss-12x12 Creative and performing arts

rss-12x12 Architecture and planning

rss-12x12 Modern languages and area studies

And I might suggest the following as a replacement, if you’re used to having a single Intute: Arts & Humanities link on your website:

Intute:   | humanities | arts | media | architecture | languages |

You can get the ‘copy & paste’ code for this here.