Paperity appears to have been heavily depreciated in search results, by Google Search. Since circa 2015 Paperity has usefully listed and linked OA articles in hybrid journals. For five years indexing Paperity thus enabled JURN to offer coverage of the OA articles in about 50+ hybrid journals in the arts and humanities, mostly at the publisher Springer. JURN users also benefited from by-catch of hybrid journal OA articles in other subjects.

Per-article pages at Paperity now appear to be being automatically de-duplicated and discarded by Google Search, as expressed in JURN, in favour of the same article as known to sources such as Semantic Scholar and EuroPubMed (both also in JURN) and other aggregators. As a fallback I’m now indexing just the per-journal pages at Paperity (i.e. their linked lists of OA articles in a journal), and Google Search seems to treat these as an absolute backstop. Meaning that that they will show up in JURN’s results, but often only as the very last result in a short set of results. This is quite useful behaviour, as it doesn’t distract users up at the top of the results. Formerly, JURN indexed the per-article pages at Paperity, but these were no longer appearing in results. Hence the need for change.

I’m also now indexing a couple of the relevant Springer journals directly in JURN. Indexing of article pages at * also serves as a further backstop. Please contact me if SpringerOpen indexing doesn’t work well for your Springer OA journal, and you would like it directly indexed in JURN.

Also, note that JURN excludes URL paths with /figures/ from SpringerOpen and Springer journal links. These are pages containing the graphics, graphs etc from the article. While useful in their own right, and as such grabbed by Google Search, they are best approached in academic search via their main article page.