Stadtische Gallery in Munich, Germany, has kindly placed scans of all their public domain works online. A test search for kat (cat) also picked up katalog and katherine. A search for katze (cats) was no better, but did pick up two tigers. A search for katen (tom-cat) found nothing. This suggests either that the Germans were not historically cat-lovers, or that the range of pictures is limited compared to other open online galleries. A search for hund (dog) suggests the latter.

A Google site search of site: fared little better with kat, but did discover the fine 1916 woodcut “Der Leopard” (Der Tiger).

A specific search on the site for tiger then found another three not discovered by kat. Possibly the Germans don’t always consider a tiger/leopard to be a ‘big cat’, as the British do? Thus, a mix of Google and a number of on-site searches seems best for a deep-dive.

There is a Creative Commons filter, tucked away under: Refine results | How to use | CC. The standard here seems to be CC-BY-SA. A Kandinsky scan was found to be 2000 x 1602px at 300dpi.

Not all material that one would expect to be available under CC actually is, for instance the 1916 tiger woodcut and the 1918 woodcut “Plakat fur die Gabriele Munter”.