Annoyingly, Google appears to have just removed all its keyword-based RSS feeds for Google News. One gets the message…

This RSS feed URL is deprecated, please update. New URLs can be found in the footers at

But all it’s possible to get there is the generic national Spotlight headlines, as linked in the footer of the main Google News page…

And even that feed “has no articles” when loaded into a feedreader.

What you actually need to do is to first run a new Google News search, then the new RSS feed link will appear in the footer of the page of search results.

If, at the same time as you’re fiddling with this annoying change-over, you want to swop out your Google News RSS for a working Bing News RSS feed, here’s how:

1. Do a keyword or phrase-based News search as usual, at Bing News.
2. Add -keyword to knock out unwanted stories (e.g. -police -NHS)
3. Then re-sort the search results by date.
4. Add &format=rss to the end of the URL. This turns it into a RSS feed from Bing News.
5. Now plug your new RSS feed into your newsreader.