A fine feature article and photo-story in The Atlantic: “The Monk Who Saves Manuscripts From ISIS”

“… the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) … is dedicated to preserving endangered manuscripts on microfilm and in digital format. So far, it has managed to photograph more than 140,000 complete manuscripts, for a total of more than 50,000,000 handwritten pages … 2,000 out of the 6,000 manuscripts digitize[d] in Iraq between 2009 and 2014 have been lost or destroyed. Other manuscripts digitized in Syria may have suffered the same fate.”

The Hill Museum and Manuscript Library has a Virtual Reading Room in which one can browse images of treasured books and pages, such as this 6th-10th gospel from a monastery in Tigray in Ethiopia…

Also note their large Lexicon of Manuscript Studies, among the many other features of the website. The Lexicon can also be searched across via Google Search: site:https://www.vhmml.org/lexicon/definition/ keyword