Linked titles for the articles in older issues of Michigan Discussions in Anthropology, 1971-2010. This is so that the titles, at least, can be present in JURN searches.

Vol 1.

A Preliminary Study of Haida Reciprocity and Redistribution: The Interaction of Ethnology and Archaeology.
Anthropological Contributions To Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Needs And Possibilities.
Anthropology and Afro-American Studies: Scholarship or Ideology?.
Color Prints Directly From Slides.
Couvade: An Example of Adaptation by the Formation of Ritual Groups.
Ecological Anthropology: A Critical Recapitulation.
Function, Generality, and Explanatory Power: A Commentary and Response to Bergman’s Arguments.
Homo Habilis’ Tested by Tooth Measurements.
Los Hidalgos de Indias: The Equivocal Position of the Colonial in Spanish Society.
Notes on the Early History of Anthropology at the University of Michigan.
On The Inadequacies of Functionalism and Structuralism.
Ontario vs. The World.
Review of Berlin, Breedlove, and Raven: Principles of Tzeltal Plant Classification.
Multiple Creations and Racial Classification: Anthropology in Early Nineteenth Century France.
Selected Bibliography of Current Publications by Members of This Department, Faculty and Student, Furnished by the Authors.
Simple Models of Genetic Variation in Human Populations.
Some Thoughts About Links Between Materialist, Marxist, and Structural Approaches In Anthropology.
Tangu Women.
The Distribution of Australopithecus.
The Evolution of Language.
The Evolutionary Implications of Depopulation.
The Ideology of Development Economics.
The Inference of Prehistoric Social Organization from Ceramic Design Variability.
The Quest for Cultural Reality: Adventures in Irish Social Anthropology.

Vol 2.

Are Universal Theoretical Models Possible?
Comment: Alternative Employment.
Communication in Physical Anthropology.
Correction: Wood, “The Evolutionary Implications of Depopulation.
Demystifying Discourse.
Dirce, A Village Prostitute in Northeastern Brazil.
Ecology, Adaptation and the Ills of Functionalism (Being, Among Other Things, A Response to Jonathan Friedman).
Ethnoscience, Structuralism, and Materialism: A Brief Analysis of Recent Developments in Anthropological Theory.
History and the Social Sciences: The Search for Common Ground.
Kinship and Human Procreative Processes.
Long Bone Growth in a Prehistoric Population from San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Man is the Head of Woman: An Impression from the Scottish Hebrides.
Patterns of Variability in a Two Folk Systems of Classification.
Problems on the Border Between Biological and Social Sciences.
Professional Training for the Profession.
Sex and the Self/Other Continuum: Some First Thoughts on the Relationship Between Two Organizing Principles in Language and Culture.
Social Change and Extended Family in the Black World (A Report on Research in Progress).
The Pragmatics of Folk Classification.
The Virgin and the State.
Vampires of the Andes.

Vol 3.

A Note on Egalitarian Societies.
Anthropology: Some Reflections on the State of the Art.
Biology, Determinism, and Human Behavior: A Response to Slobodkin.
Class Politics in North Lebanon: The Role of the Abada’i.
Comment: On Alexander’s Response.
Female Domestic Service in Hong Kong.
Female Servants in Southern Italy: The Changing Configuration of Honor and Power.
In Defense of Man: A Reply to Creeping Darwinism.
Niamey: A First Encounter with Africa.
Review: Culture and Practical Reason by Marshall Sahlins.
Rivello: Impressions of a Southern Italian Hill Town.
Sociobiological Determinism: Theme with Variations.
Some Philosophical Problems of Sociobiology.
Testimony: Self-determination of the Peoples of East Timor.
The Challenge of Darwinism.
The Paradox of Holism.
The Paradox of Holism: Dead End or Dialectic?.
The Politics of Rape in Primitive Society.
Up Off Their Knees: Servanthood in Southwest Colombia.

Vol 4.

A Birth Experience.
A Mad Rash.
An Iatrogenetic Analysis of Two Case Histories.
Anorexia Nervosa: A Study of the Commoditization of Woman.
Comment: On Boucher, et al..
Doctor – Just Tell Me You Don’t Know.
Economic Man and His Meanings: Two Lessons.
Explaining Mother.
Kicking the Subculture: Group Boundaries and the Anthropology of Addiction.
Native American Education: Cognitive Styles, Cultural Conflict, and Contract Schools.
On My Grandfather’s Cancer.
Power, Class, and Ideology in Southern California.
Reflections on a Social Catastrophe.
Respect and Beauty in the Dentist’s Office.
Review: “Cranial Anatomy and Evolution of Early Tertiary Plesiadapidae (Mammalia, Primates)” by Philip D. Gingerich.
Review: “La Préhistoire Française” edited by Henry de Lumley and Jean Guilaine.
Review: “Not From the Apes” by Björn Kurtén.
Sickness as Mediator in Four Societies.
The Accident: An Experience Worth Having.
The Muslim Factor in Akan Cultures.
The Role of Class in Doctor-Patient Relationships.
What the Doctors See.

Vol. 5.

A Material Perspective of Tropical Rainforest Hunter-Gatherers: The Semang of Malaysia.
Archaeological Correlates of the Ona: Hunter-Gatherers of the Sub-Antarctic.
Change in Hunter-Gatherer Society: A Computer Simulation Model.
Coastal Hunter-Gatherers: The Yahgan of Tierra Del Fuego.
Ethnographic Observation and Archaeological Interpretation: The Wikmunkan of Cape York Peninsula, Australia.
Excavations in the Andaman Literature Middens: The Predicted Archaeological Record.
Generation and Interpretation of the Archaeological Record of The Seri Indians.
Locations of the Hunter-Gatherer Societies.
The Archaeological Correlates of the Athapaskan Kaska.
The Archaeological Record of an Alaskan Whale-Hunting Community.
The Birhor: Material Correlates of Hunter-Gatherer/Farmer Exchange.

Vol 6.

A Guide For Anthropological Fieldwork on Contemporary American Culture.
A Neofreudian Analysis of The Hardy Boys Mystery Series.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.
American Attitudes Toward the Human Body and the Natural World, and American Values: You Can’t Improve on Nature and Ain’t Modern Science Grand.
An Analysis of American Culture as Presented in Two “Hardy Boys” Books That Differ In Time.
Approaches to the Analysis of Myth, Illustrated by West Side Story and “Snow White”.
Blacks on Daytime Television.
Blaming The Victim: Ideology And Sexual Discrimination In The Contemporary United States.
Brief Guide to Presentation of Field Research.
Clothing and Geography in a Suburban High School.
Culture Meets Nature on the Six O’ Clock News: An Example of American Cosmology.
Death, The Final Passage: A Case Study in American Mortuary Custom.
Ethnographic Data and Theories of State Evolution: A Peruvian Case Study.
Fear of Fish and Forests: Food Taboos and Diet Optimization in Western Tasmania.
Gender Term Use Among Collegiate Women.
High School Peer Group Classification Systems.
How Absurd Soever They May Be: The Chinese Repository and Anthropological Interpretation.
Jest Deserts: Audience Reactions to Puns.
Reactions of Racquetball Players to Lost Points.
Right-Handedness Among Ann Arbor Residents, As Expressed Particularly in Financial Institutions.
Rites of Passage on an American High School Swim Team.
Social Class, Tipping and Alcohol Consumption in an Ann Arbor Cocktail Lounge.
Social Stratification By Sex in University Classroom Interaction.
Structural and Psychological Analysis of Popular American Fantasy Films.
Symbolic Dynamics of Male Dominance and Male Ranking: Historical and Contemporary Cases from American Culture.
The 1980 Lady as Depicted in TV Commercials.
The Effects of Capitalism on the Social Structure of Pastoral Villages in Highland Sardinia.
The Father Strikes Back.
The Popularity of Sports in America: An Analysis of the Values of Sports and the Role of the Media.
The State, Work, and the Household: Contradictions in a Greek Village.

Vol 7.

An Exploratory Comparison of Language and Religion as Criteria of Ethnic Affiliation.
Ethnic Radio: A Study of Hungarian Radio Programs in Detroit and Windsor.
Ethnicity in Australia: Approaching a Theory of Application.
Land, Language, and Community: A Symbolic Analysis of Welsh Nationalism.
Modernization and Nationality Movements in the Industrial West.
Ritualized Conflict and Ideological Polarization in Northern Ireland.
The Secular State as Ethnic Entrepreneur: Macedonians and Bosnian Moslems in Socialist Yugoslavia.

Vol 8.

Andean Interzonal Bartering: Why Does It Persist in a Cash-Market Economy?.
Back Across the Great Divide: The Pakaq Señorío and Raised Field Agriculture.
Gender, Ethnicity, and Modernization: Saraguro Women in a Changing World.
Mound Clusters in the Chillón River Valley, Peru.
Nasca 8: A Reassessment of its Chronological Placement and Cultural Significance.
Regional Interaction, Transhumance, and Verticality: Archaeological Use of Zonal Complementarity in Peru and Northern Chile.
The Araucanians (A Story).
The Pachacamac Studies: 1938-1941.
The Significance of Informal Social Support Networks for Rural Household Health in the Andes.
The Sound Must Seem an Echo to the Sense: Some Cultural Determinants of Language Change in Southern Peruvian Quechua.
Traditional Crop-Processing in Central Andean Households: An Ethnoarcheological Perspective.
Variations in Infant Feeding Practices in an Andean Community.

Vol. 9.

Ambiguous Genders: Looking for the Woman in a Mexican Woman’s Life Story.
Economic Integration, Proletarianization, and Gender Transformation Along the U.S. – Mexican Border.
Engendering the Witch-Craze: Suggestions Toward a Decentered Interpretation.
Eva Perón: The Myth and Cult of the Anti-Virgin.
Gender Transformations and the Construction of Personal Identity Among Rajneesh Sannyasins.
Hidden Women, Public Men – Public Women, Hidden Men.
Prestige, Hunger, and Love: Plumbing the Psychology of Sexual Meanings.
Suicide, Ritual, and Gender Transformation Among the Naxi.
The New Lesbian in Midlife: Reconstructing Sexual Identity.
The Social Discourse on Women’s Roles in Taiwan: A Textual Analysis.
Where is the Socio in Sociobiology? A Response to Lars Rodseth.

Vol 10.

Archaeological Implications of Revisionism in Ethnography.
Crisis in the Foraging Mode of Production: Long-Term Cyclical Processes in Hunter-Gatherer Societies.
Cultural Creolization And The Constitution of Ethnicity Amongst Aboriginal Professionals In Dampierland, Western Australia.
Information Strategies in Hunter-Gatherer Societies.
Introduction: Hunter-Gatherers and Their Ethnography.
Nutrition, Reproduction, and Forager-Farmer Interaction: A Comment on the “Revisionist” Debate in Hunter-Gatherer Studies.
Style in Arrows: A Study of an Ethnographic Collection from the Western United States.
Territorial Stability as a Factor in the Occurrence and Perpetuation of Inter-Group Buffer Zones.
The !Kung In Question: Evidence And Context In The Kalahari Debate.
The Ecological Context of Hunter-Gatherer Storage: Environmental Predictability and Environmental Risk.

Vol. 11.

No volume.

Vol 12.

Adzhubei’s Last Text.
Nationalism and Neoshamanism in Yakutia.
Ninety Winds of Change: The Alma-Ata Riots and the Mobilization of Kazakh Ethnic Identity.
Notes on Svanetian Folk Medicine.
Parading the Nation: Physical Culture Celebrations and the Construction of Soviet Identities in the 1930s.
Post-Soviet Anthropological Perspectives: An Introduction.
Problems of the North.
Refugees, Resistance, and Ritual.
Russia’s Transition to a Market Economy: Opportunities for Understanding Culture Change.

Vol 12.

Do You Want to Go Forward? Turn Back!: Etymology and Neoliberalism in Greek Language Ideology.
Married to Dukha: Irony in the Telling of a ‘Traditional’ Newari Tale.
Negotiating Meanings with the Least (Collaborative) Effort – or How Conversationalists Help Each Other Along.
On The Dialogic Emergence of ‘Resistance’: Participation, framing and collusion in a prison exit interview..
Pearls on the String of the Chinese Nation: Pronouns, Plurals, and Prototypes in Talk about Identities.
Purity and Power: The Geography of Language Ideology in Ukraine.
Ritual, Language, and the Invention of Community in a Chinese Secret Sworn Brotherhood.
Sounding Country’ in Urbanizing Texas: Private Speech in Public Discourse.
The Power of the Drunk: Humor and Resistance in China’s Tibet.
Time, Not the Syllables, Must Be Counted: Quechua Parallelism, Word Meaning, and Cultural Analysis.

Vol 14.

Archaeology and the Ala Faly or “Sacred Forest,” Androy, Southern Madagascar.
Betsimisaraka Spears from the Mananara Valley.
Cactus Pastoralism. On Its Origin and Growth in Madagascar.
Materiality and Ritual: The Origins of Stone Tombs in Southern Madagascar.
Mikea Origins: Relicts or Refugees?.
Number One – Nambawani – Lambaoany: Clothing as an Historical Medium of Exchange in Northwestern Madagascar.
People without History: The Tombless in the Extreme Southern Highlands of Madagascar.
Political Chaos, Economic Recession, and the Adjustment to Poverty: The Case of Madagascar.
The Case of the Lace Leaf: 19th Century Naturalism and the Containment of Malagasy Species.
The Role of Traditional Skills and Technical Heritage in Malagasy Technologies of Water Management.
Towards an Archaeology of ‘Empty’ Space: The Efitra of the Middle West of Madagascar.

Vol 15.

Subsistence: Models and Metaphors for the Transition to Agriculture in Northwestern Europe.
The Aquatic Component of Aztec Subsistence: Hunters, Fishers, and Collectors in an Urbanized Society.
The Decline of Small-Scale Fishing and the Reorganization of Livelihood Practices among Sama People in Eastern Indonesia.
Accompanying and Overcoming: Subsistence and Sustenance in an Andean City.
Healthy Russian Food is Not-for-Profit.

Vol 16.

The University of Michigan’s Department of Anthropology: Leslie White and the Politics of Departmental Expansion.
Striving for Unity: A Conversation with Roy Rappaport.
Structure, Cultural Logic, and Transformational Dynamics in the Social Organization of Unstratified Societies: The Work of Raymond C. Kelly.
Archaeology on Foot: Jeffrey Parsons and the University of Michigan.
The Four-Field Anthropology and Multi-faceted Life of Frank B. Livingstone.
Professor C. Loring Brace: Bringing Physical Anthropology (“Kicking and Screaming”) Into the 21st Century!
Diamond in the Field: The Life and Work of Norma Diamond.
A Fair Reflection: The “Dirt Anthropology” of Robbins Burling.

Vol 17.

“Older Americans” and Alzheimer’s Disease: Citizenship and Subjectivity in Contested Time.
Imagining Impotence in America: From Men’s Deeds to Men’s Minds to Viagra.
Transplantation and Body Politics: Toward Assessing and Addressing Inequality.
Gender, Sexuality, and AIDS in Brazil: Transformative Approaches to AIDS Prevention.
Bringing Body to Bear in the Andes: Ethnicity, Gender, and Health in Highland Ecuador.
Perspectives on Polio Immunization Campaigns in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Vol 18.

Experience, Reflexive Socialization and Disciplinary Order in Anthropology.
Lost and Delirious in the Anthropology Graduate Application Process: Negotiations of the Self in early Graduate Socialization.
“This Masters is Going to Kill Me”: E-Narratives of Stress and Support Between Anthropology Graduate Students.
Leaving: A Personal Narrative of Graduate School.
Reconsidering Routes to Membership in the Anthropological Community.
“Personal Communication, 2006”: Authorship and Ownership in Anthropology.
Avoiding Race-Avoidance? Anthropologists and Affirmative Action.
‘I spy…’: The (Im)possibilities of Ethical Participant Observation with Antagonists, Religious Extremists, and Other Tough Nuts.
The Feminization of Anthropology: Moving Private Discourses into the Public Sphere.
The Limits of Theory: Idealism, Distinction and Critical Pedagogy in Chicago.
In Defense of Ambivalence.
Participatory Pedagogy.
A Meditation on Meditation: The Horizons of Meditative Thinking in Tibetan Monasticism and American Anthropology.