This is interesting. My search for Lovecraft / sort-by-date on JURN gave this result on the first page…


It’s from the latest issue of The Fossil, the journal for the historians of the amateur journalism movement, which is served up as a single PDF with many articles in it. What’s interesting from an academic search perspective is how Google has successfully plucked an article from deep inside the PDF, and yet been able to shown it as a discreet link with the correct title. The opening article in this issue also references H.P. Lovecraft, but it’s tangential since that article is a wider one on the United Amateur Press Association. The main Lovecraft article in the issue is indeed David Goudsward’s “A Visit to Haverhill”, although the topic is not indicated in its title. So it seems Google now has the (new?) ability to pluck a relevant article title out of a longer scholarly PDF, and to present its title in search results as if it were a discreet article. A nice addition to JURN’s capabilities, if such results can be served consistently.