The Europeana Creative Challenge

aim[s] to identify, incubate and spin off into the commercial sector viable online applications based on the re-use of digital cultural heritage content [from Europeana, and] The best five applications will be invited to a final challenge event to pitch their ideas to representatives from the cultural and creative industries as well as to investors.

The current challenge has a Natural History theme. Deadline: 31st March 2014.

Springing to mind: a simple workflow for automated extraction and smoothing of 3D shapes from high-res 2D photos of organic shapes (shells, fossils, wings, insects carapaces, etc), to create a royalty-free bank of organic starting-point shapes for rapidly iterative and generative product design prototyping.

fairypinkarmChlamyphorus truncatus, via Europeana. The prototype for your new girls’ hairbrush has arrived… 😉