It seems that Google Search have committed to their new code for displaying Google Search results, after trialling the changes last week and then withdrawing them. The changes break the vital browser addon GoogleMonkeyR. A temporary fix is to edit the GoogleMonkeyR userscript thus…


var list = document.getElementsByXPath(".//div[@id='ires']/ol/li[starts-with(@class,'g')]/div/parent::li");

Replace with…

var list = document.getElementsByXPath(".//div[@id='ires']/ol/div[starts-with(@class,'srg')]/li");

Confirmed as working with search. Fails when you switch the keyword through to Google News.


Still working fine for me, with a few tweaks…

1. Updated Greasemonkey to 2.3 (29th Oct 2014) and GoogleMonkeyR to 1.7.2.

2. I access Google Search via this URL, which has a parameter that limits search results to 15 per page…

15 fits nicely in three columns, which I also have set up in GoogleMonkeyR Prefs — which is the cog-wheel that appears top-right once you make a Google search.


3. Hide the “Searches related to test” element on the Google Search results page, by using the AdBlock Plus addon (right-click on “”Searches related to test””, ‘Inspect Element’, highlight whole ‘extrares’ element, click on red AdblockPlus icon, block). This bit gets hidden because otherwise it sits awkwardly between you and the numbered links that lead to the subsequent results pages.