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in07 Saturday Dec 2013
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in07 Saturday Dec 2013
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inI couldn’t get a fix on a root URL for the jumbled repository-based archiving of articles of the Illinois Classical Studies journal. So here are all the article titles linked, so that I can try to index them in JURN.
Illinois Classical Studies, article titles from volumes 1 (1976) — 23 (1998):
The Academic and the Alexandrian Editions of Plato’s Works
Classical Themes in Renaissance Guise
Friedrich Solmsen
“Opening Socrates”: The Εἰκών of Alcibiades
A Dramatic Interpretation of Plato’s Phaedo
A Gleaming Ray: Blessed Afterlife in the Mysteries
A Neglected Stoic Argument for Human Responsibility
A New Manuscript of Babrius: Fact or Fable?
A Note on Diogmitae
A propos d’Iphigénie dans l’Agamemnon d’Eschyle
A Propos du Vaticanus Graecus 207. Le Recueil Scientifique d’un Érudit Constantinopolitain du XIIIe Siècle et l’Emploi du Papier “À Zig-Zag” dans la Capitale Byzantine
A Question of Taste: Horace, Epistles I. 14.6-9
A Reconsideration of Ovid’s Fasti
A Sallustian Echo in Tacitus
A Sophist on Omniscience, Polymathy, and Omnicompetence: Δ.Λ. 8.1-13
Acedia in Late Classical Antiquity
Ad Ps.- Philonis Librum Antiquitatum Biblicarum
Ad Syllogen Inscriptionum in Codice Urbanensi Traditam
Ad Themistium Arabum
Ad Themistium Arabum II
Agesilaos und Timotheos: zwei Staatsmännersporträts aus der Mitte des IV. Jhs.
Air-Imprints or Eidola: Democritus’ Aetiology of Vision
Aischylos Eumenides 858-66
Aitia in the Second Book of Apollonius’ Argonautica
Alcestis Barcinonensis
Alchemy in the Ancient World: From Science to Magic
Aldus Manutius’ Fragmenta Grammatica
Alexandria as a Centre of Greek Philosophy in Later Classical Antiquity
Allegory and Reality: Spes, Victoria and the Date of Prudentius’s Psychomachia
Altered States: Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Shakespeare’s Dramatic Genres
Altische Fluchtafeln aus der Zeit Alexanders des Großen
Ambiguity against Ambiguity: Anacreon 13 Again
Amicitia and the Unity of Juvenal’s First Book
Amtsmißbrauch im Patriarchat von Konstantinopel um die Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts: Der Megas Chartophylax Ioannes Amparis
An [Hesiodic] danse macabre: The Shield of Heracles
An Archaeologist on the Schliemann Controversy
An Interpretation of Horace’s Eleventh Epode
An Introduction to Byzantine Monasticism
An Unnoticed Allusion in Theocritus and Callimachus
Anaxagoras and Infinite Divisibility
Ancient Interpolation in Aristophanes
Ancient Jewry—Modern Questions: German Historians of Antiquity on the Jewish Diaspora
Andron and the Four Hundred
Anonymity and Polarity: Unknown Gods and Nameless Altars at the Areopagos
Apollonius’ Argonautica: Euphemus, a Clod and a Tripod
Apollonius Rhodius and the Papyri
Archilochus, Fr. 4 West: A Commentary
Ariadne’s Leave-taking : Catullus 64.116-20
Aristotelian Explanation
Aristotle’s Elegiacs to Eudemus
Arrian’s Extended Preface
Art and Ethics in the Drama: Senecan “Pseudotragedy” Reconsidered
Äsop und Menipp als Hofnarren
Aspects of Plutarch’s Characterisation
Aspects of Roman Poetic Technique in a Carolingian Latin Satiric Text
Asserting Eternal Providence: Theodicy in Sophocles’ Oedipus the King
Augustine and Manichaeism in Light of the Cologne Mani Codex
Babrius, Fab. 78: A New MS
Bemerkungen zum Text der Kynikerbriefe
Better Late than Early: Reflections on the Date of Calpurnius Siculus
Botticelli’s Hypnerotomachia in the National Gallery, London: A Problem of the Use of Classical Sources in Renaissance Art
Bride or Concubine? lole and Heracles’ Motives in the Trachiniae
Byzantina Varia
Byzantium’s Impact on the West: The Linguistic Evidence
Byzantium’s Role in the Formation of Early Medieval Civilization: Approaches and Problems
Caesar’s Bibracte Narrative and the Aims of Caesarian Style
Catullus 64 and the Heroic Age: A Reply
Catullus 68A: Veronae Turpe, Catulle, Esse
Catullus, Ennius, and the Poetics of Allusion
Chalinus armiger in Plautus’ Casina
Chariton and Coptic
Cicero and Early Latin Poetry
Cicero vs. Ciceronianism in the Ciceronianus
Cicero’s Style for Relating Memorable Sayings
Circe and the Poets: Theocritus IX. 35-36
Classification of MSS of the Scholia on Aeschylus
Combing and Curling: Orator Summus Plato
Comic Elements in Catullus 51
Confectum Carmine Munus : Catullus 68
Conjectures in Ovid’s Heroides
Conjectures on Oedipus at Colonus
Constantine Manasses, Itinerary v. 160
Corippus and Ennius
Criteria for Evaluating Hypothetical Egyptian Loan-Words in Greek: The Case of Αἴγυπτοζ
Ctesias and the Fall of Nineveh
Cyranidea: Some Improvements
D’Aratos à Aviénus: Astronomie et idéologie
Das Ende Neuroms in der Sicht der deutschen Zeitgenossen
Das Schrifttum des Oriens Christianus als Bestandteil der spätantiken Literatur
De Sublimitate 30. 1: An Overlooked Pointer to a Date?
Der Höhepunkt der deutschen Plutarchrezeption: Plutarch bei Nietzsche
Der Humanist und das Buch: Heinrich Rantzaus Liebeserklärung an seine Bücher
Des droits et des devoirs du poète salirique à l’âge d’argent de la latinité
Did Tacitus Finish the Annales?
Die Aldina der Rhetores Graeci (1508-1509) und ihre handschrifdichen Vorlagen
Die Mysterien von Eleusis in rhetorisch geprägten Texten des 2./3. Jahrhunderts nach Christus
Die Reise des Telemach
Die Überlieferungsgeschichte von Claudians Carmina maiora
Die Vorlagen des Kopisten Valeriano Albini
Disiecta Membra: On the Arrangement of Claudian’s Carmina minora
Does Euripides Call the Gods μακάριοι?
Domitian, Justinian and Peter the Great: The Ambivalent Iconography of the Mounted King
Dreams and Poets in Lucretius
Egyptian Influence in Tibullus
Eight Horatian ‘Bridges’
Eight More Conjectures on the Cyranides
Ein neues Sophoklesfragment bei Eustathios?
Ein Papyrus aus dem unruhigen Alexandreia am Vorabend der arabischen Eroberung (Pap. Vindob. Gr . 19938)
Ennius and the Elegists
Ennius Lyricus
Entellus and Amycus: Vergil, Aen. 5. 362-484
Epictetus and Chrysippus
Epicurus Vaticanus
Errata Corrige v.6 1981
Esclavage et Dépendance, “Demi-Liberté,” “Halfway-Statuses”
Esse Videatur Rhythm in the Greek New Testament Gospels and Acts of the Apostles
Eucheria’s Adynata
Euclio, Gnemon, and the Peripatos
Eumaeus and Odysseus—Covert Recognition and Self-Revelation?
Euripides’ Heracles 858-73
Euripides Outside Athens: A Speculative Note
Eva Sachs on Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff
Fathers, Sons and Forgiveness
Five Textual Notes
Food for Thought: Text and Sense in Aristotle, Poetics 19
Foreword to Illinois Classical Studies v.8, no.2 Fall 1983
Forms as Individuals: Unity, Being and Cognition in Plato’s Ideal World
From History to Chronicle: Rabelais Rewriting Herodotus
From Separation to Song: Horace, Carmina IV
Fronto on the Christians
Galen’s Response to Skepticism
Glaucumam ob Oculos Obiciemus: Forbidden Sight in Miles Gloriosus
Gorgias and the Dialogic Principle
Graduate Studies in Classics Have They a Future? Appendix to Illinois Classical Studies 10 (1) 1985
Grammar and Rhetoric in Euthymius Zigabenus’ Commentary on Psalms 1-50
Greco-Roman Light on Rabbinic Texts
Greek Magic, Greek Religion
Grenfell’s Gift to Lumbroso
Harpocration Panegyrista
Hephaestion, Apotelesmatica, Book I
Heraclitus and the Moon: The New Fragments in P.Oxy. 3710
Heraclitus on Old and New Months: P.Oxy. 3710
Heraclitus: Some Characteristics
Hermippus, Fragment 22 Wehrli
Herodotean Symbolism: Pericles as Lion Cub
Herodotus and Athens
Heteros tis eimi: On the Language of Menander’s Young Lovers
Homer in German Classicism: Goethe, Friedrich Schlegel, Hölderlin and Schelling
Homer, Vergil, and Complex Narrative Structures in Latin Epic: An Essay
Horace and Statius at Tibur: an Interpretation of Silvae 1.3
Horace Epode 9: Some New Interpretations
Horace, C. 3. 17: A Flawed Genealogy
How Did Pelasgians Become Hellenes? Herodotus 1.56-58
How to be Philosophical about the End of the Aeneid
Iambe/Iambos and the Rape of a Genre: A Horatian Sidelight
In Xenophontis Symposium Observatiunculae Criticae
Indirect Questions in Old Latin: Syntactic and Pragmatic Factors Conditioning Modal Shift
Initial ῥ- in Attic: New Evidence for the Effect of Lexical Status and Syntactic Configuration on the Gemination of ῥ- after Final Short Vowels
Inscriptional Evidence as a Source of Spoken Latin
Interpreting Second Declension Singular Forms in -u
Intorno al codice Patavinus di Teocrito
Inutilis sibi, perniciosus patriae: A Platonic Argument Against Sophistic Rhetoric
Invidia infelix: Vergil, Georgics 3. 31-39
Iphigeneia Changes Her Mind
Irony of Overstatement in the Satires of Juvenal
Is it really the Accusative? A Century-Old Controversy Revisited
Is Plutarch Fair to Nikias?
Jason, Pallas and Domitian in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica
Jerome’s Use of Scripture Before and After his Dream
John Lewis Heller: Vita and Bibliography
Juvenal, Satire 12: On Friendship True and False
Juvenal, Satire 16: Fragmentary Justice
Juvenal’s Fifteenth Satire
Knaves and Fools in Senecan Drama
La part du rationalisme dans la religion de Plutarque: l’exemple du De genio Socratis
La Ruse de Bacchis et le Chant du Rossignol (Plaute, Bacchides 37-38)
Later Latin Poetry: Some Principles of Interpretation
Le texte de la Vie de Pythagore de Porphyre
Leo the Philosopher: Job and Other Poems
Leopards, Roman Soldiers, and the Historia Augusta
Les Transitions dans le Style d’Eusèbe de Césarée Apologiste
Like a Wolf on the Fold: Animal Imagery in Vergil
L’imitation de Stace chez Dracontius
Literatura Sapiencial Antigua en la Haggadah y en Pedro Alfonso
Livius und Augustus
Longus and the Myth of Chloe
Love, Lovesickness, and Melancholia
Lucretius and Callimachus
Lycaon: Ovid’s Deceptive Paradigm in Metamorphoses I
M. Minucius Felix as a Christian Humanist
Magic and the Songstress: Theocritus Idyll 2
Man and Nature in Ausonius’ Moselle
Manuscript Indications of Change of Speaker in Aristophanes’ Peace
Mark Naoumides (1931-1977): List of Publications
Martial et la pensée de Sénèque
Martial’s “Witty Conceits”: Some Technical Observations
Marziale e la Letteratura per i Saturnali (poetica dell’intrattenimenlo e cronologia della pubblicazione dei libri)
Medea and Imitation in the French Renaissance
Mehmed the Conqueror and the Equestrian Statue of the Augustaion
Memini me Fiere Pavum: Ennius and the Quality of the Roman Aesthetic Imagination
Method and Structure in the Satires of Persius
Milton and the Pastoral Mode: The Epitaphium Damonis
Miroslav Marcovich: Addenda to List of Publications
Miroslav Marcovich: List of Publications
More of Nemesion’s Notes: P. Corn. inv. 18
More on Zeno’s Forty Logoi
More Roman Light on Rabbinic Texts
Mussato’s Commentary on Seneca’s Tragedies: 149 New Fragments
Myrrha’s Revenge: Ovid and Shakespeare’s Reluctant Adonis
Myrsilus of Methymna and the Dreadful Smell of the Lemnian Women
Myrsilus of Methymna and the White Goddesses
Mysticism and Apocalyptic in Ezekiel’s Exagoge
Naevius and Virgil
Name-Magic and the Threat of Lying Strangers in Homer’s Odyssey
Nepos and Plutarch: From Latin to Greek Political Biography
Nero’s Final Hours
Nero’s Retinue in Greece, A.D. 66/67
Non sua poma: Varro, Virgil, and Grafting
Notes critiques aux Argonautiques Orphiques
Notes on Antigone and Oedipus Tyrannus
Notes on Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris
Notes on Justin Martyr’s Apologies
Notes on Ovid’s poems from exile
Notes on Plutarch: Pericles and Fabius
Notes on Pseudo-Quintilian’s Minor Declamations
Notes on Statius’ Thebaid Books 3 and 4
Notes on Statius’ Thebaid Books 5 and 6
Notes on Statius’ Thebaid Books I and II
Notes on the Electra of Euripides
Notes on the Meaning of Κολούντη
Notes on the Palaea Historica
Notes on the Second Sophistic in Palestine
Notes on the Temple of Onias at Leontopolis
Nouvelles Données sur Joasaph, Copiste du Monastère des Hodèges
Observations on the Commentary on Euripides’ Phoenissae in the MSS Parma 154 and Modena, a. U.9.22
Observations on the Text of Artemidorus, Onirocritica Book 1
Odysseus’ “Winnowing-Shovel” (Horn. Od. 11. 119-37) and the Island of the Cattle of the Sun
Of Nature and Eros: Deianeira in Sophocles’ Trachiniae
Old Breton in Bede
Old Comedy, Menippean Satire, and Philosophy’s Tattered Robes in Boethius’ Consolation
On Housman’s Juvenal
On Implied Wishes for Olympic Victory in Pindar
On the Alcestis and Andromache of Euripides
On The Content and Structure of the Prologue to Cato’s Origines
On the Interpretation of a Poem of Anacreon
On The Meaning of ε̉φήμερος
On the Survival of an Archaic Latin Case Form in Italo-and Balkan-Romance
On the Training of the Agrimensores in Republican Rome and Related Problems: Some Preliminary Observations
Order and Disorder in Sophocles’ Antigone
Orestes’ Mania: Euripides’, Mee’s and Bogart’s Apocalyptic Vision
Over Troubled Waters: Megara 6 2-71
Ovid vs. Apuleius
Ovidian Pictures and “The Rules and Compasses” of Criticism
Ovidian Shakespeare: Wit and the Iconography of the Passions
Ovidianum quintum: Das Diluvium bei Ovid und Nonnos
Ovid’s Poetics of Exile
Palestra bei Prudentius
Paralipomena Lexicographica Cyranidea
Parallel Lives: Plutarch’s Lives, Lapo da Castiglionchio the Younger (1405-1438) and the Art of Italian Renaissance Translation
Parce, precor . . . ou Tibulle et la prière. Etude stylistique
Parental Gifts: Father-Son Dedications and Dialogues in Roman Didactic Literature
Particular and General in Thucydides
Patristic Textual Criticism
Peace, the Symposium and the Poet
Perfect Friendship in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Perfume from Peron’s: The Politics of Pedicure in Anaxandrides Fragment 41 Kassel-Austin
Pericles Among the Intellectuals
Petronius Satyricon 46. 8: litterae thesaurum est
Phaedo’s Enslavement and Liberation
Philip II, The Greeks, and The King 346-336 B.C.
Philoctetes and Modern Criticism
Pietatis Ergo: A Letter from A.S. Pease to Cyril Bailey
Piety, Dogs and a Platonic Reminiscence: Philo, Quod Deterius 54-56 and Plato, Euthyphro 12e-I5a
Pindar and Callimachus
Pindar, Solon and Jealousy: Political Vocabulary in the Eleventh Pythian
Pindar’s Eleventh Nemean Ode: A Commentary
Plants as Aristotelian Substances
Plato and Euripides
Plato and Stoa in Hippolytus’ Theology
Plato, Galen, and the Center of Consciousness
Platonic and Pauline Ideals in Comic Dress: “Comment on Vestit Gargantua”
Platons Kuß und seine Folgen
Plato’s Lysis: The Structural Problem
Plautus and Early Roman Tragedy
Plotinian Ancestry
Plotinus’ Ethical Theory
Plutarch and Anaxagoras
Plutarch and Aristotle
Plutarch and Athens
Plutarch and Platonist Orthodoxy
Plutarch, Hesiod, and the Mouseia of Thespiai
Plutarch’s Erotikos: The Drag Down Pulled Up
Plutarch’s Philopoemen and Flamininus
Plutarch’s Portrait of Socrates
Plutarco ed Euripide: alcune considerazioni sulle citazioni euripidee in Plutarco (De aud. poet.)
Plutarco, Socrate e l’Esopo di Delfi
Poeta Ludens : Thrust and Counter-Thrust in Eclogue 3
Polybadiscus and the Astraha of Plautus: New Observations on a Plautine Fragment
Predicates Can Be Topics
Preface to Illinois Classical Studies v.18 1993: Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich
Preface to Illinois Classical Studies v.6, no.1 Spring 1981
Preface to Illinois Classical Studies v.8, no.2, Fall 1983
Preface to Illinois Classical Studies v.9, no.2, Fall 1984: Literae Humaniores. Classical Themes in Renaissance Guise
Preface: Diachronic Perspectives
Proclus and the Forty Logoi of Zeno
Proper Behavior in the Odyssey
Propertius 1. 3: Cynthia Rescripted
Propertius 2.18: “Kein einheitliches Gedicht…”
Propertius 3.22: Tullus’ Return
Propertius Book IV: Themes and Structures
Proserpina’s Tapestry in Claudian’s De raptu: Tradition and Design
Prosper, De ingratis: Textual Criticism
Ps.-Justin, Cohortatio: A Lost Editio Princeps?
Psychagogia in Plato’s Phaedrus
Pythian 5.72-76, 9.90-92, and the Voice of Pindar
Quintilian, Tyconius and Augustine
Quo, Quo Scelesti Ruitis: The Downward Momentum of Horace’ s Epodes
Quomodo auctor Psalterii Vercellensis Bedae Collectione Psalterii usus sit
Recognizing Helen
Reconstructing the Beginning of Menander’s Adelphoi (B).
Recontres avec Plutarque
Reflexe hellenistischer Dichtungstheorie im griechischen Epigramm
Religious Key Terms in Hellenism and Byzantium: Three Facets
Remarques à propos de I’usage des citations en matière de chronologie dans les Vies
Rethinking the History of the Literary Symposium
Ricostruzione dei frammenti di Strabone, Geografia VII
Ritual and Drama in Aischyleian Tragedy
Roman Coins as Historical Evidence: The Trojan Legends of Rome
Roman Jokes and the Renaissance Prince, 1455- 1528
Roman Poets as Literary Historians: some aspects of imitatio
Rules for Musical Contests
Sappho the “Numinous”
Satira and Satiricus in Late Latin
Seneca and the Schools of Philosophy in Early Imperial Rome
Senecan Tragedy and the Renaissance
Septem 12-13 and the Athenian Ephebia
Silver Threads Among the Gold: A Problem in the Text of Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Simile and Imagery in Ovid Heroides 4 and 5
Singing Without an Instrument: Plotinus on Suicide
Small Latine and Lesse Greeke? Shakespeare and the Classical Tradition
Socrates the Epicurean?
Some Aesopic Fables in Byzantium and the Latin West: Tradition, Diffusion, and Survival
Some Ancient Histories of Literary Melancholia
Some Ancient Notions of Boredom
Some Aspects of Commodian
Some Comments on Metaphysics E. 2, 3
Some Elucidations of Petronius’ Cena Trimalchionis
Some Manuscripts of Dionysius the Periegete
Some Passages in Plato’s Laws (IV and V)
Some reflections on the ‘penultimate’ accent
Some Remarks on the Manuscript Tradition of the Maximus Florilegium
Some Roman Elements in Roman Egypt
Sophocles’ Ajax and Homer’s Hector: Two Soliloquies
Sophokles uber die geistige Blindheit des Menschen
Statius Silvae 4. 9: Libertas Decembris?
Stoïciens et Stoïcisme dans les Dialogues Pythiques de Plutarque
Strepsiades as a Comic Ixion
Structure and Meaning in Propertius Book 3
Structure and Symmetry in Terence’s Adelphoe
Studies on the Naples Ms. IV F 3 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Style, Genre and Author
Stylistic Criticism in Erasmus’ Ciceronianus
Subtractive Versus Additive Composite Numerals in Antiquity
Suspense in the Phaeacian Episode of Apollonius’ Argonautica
Synaesthesia in Sophocles
Tacitean Nobilitas
Tacitus’ Germania and Modern Germany
Ten Notes on Statius’ Silvae
The Addressee of Laus Pisonis
The Amores of Propertius: Unity and Structure in Books 2-A
The Anapaests of the Octavia
The Art of Rhetoric in Gregor Reisch’s Margarita Philosophica and Conrad Celtes’ Epitome of the Two Rhetorics of Cicero
The ‘Atheistic’ Fragment from Euripides’ Bellerophontes (286 N²)
The Bacchae as Satyr-Play?
The Case of the Bald-Headed Lamplighter
The Cause of Ovid’s Exile
The Closure of Herodotus’ Histories
The Confessions of Persius
The Creatures and the Blood
The Critiques of Isocrates’ Style in Photius’ Bihliotheoa
The Date of Herodotus’ Publication
The Dedicatory Presentation in Late Antiquity: The Example of Ausonius
The Dynamics of Pindar’s Music: Ninth Nemean and Third Olympian
The Eminence of Social Justice in Plato
The End of the Trachiniae
The First Fragment of Heraclitus
The First Prologue of Babrius: Lines 14-16
The First Sighting Theme in the Old Testament Poetry of Late Antiquity
The Four Stoic Personae
The Fragments of Alexander of Cotiaeum
The Gospel a Republication of Natural Religion in Justin Martyr
The Grievance of L. Domitius Ahenobarbus
The Homeric Versio Latina
The Iphigeneia at Aulis: the Prologue Anapaests
The Itinerary of Constantine Manasses
The Koina of Epirus and Macedonia
The Literary Background of Virgil’s Georgics
The Lives of the Caesars and Plutarch’s other Lives
The Lover Reflected in the Exemplum: A Study of Propertius 1.3 and 2.6
The Mantle of Earth
The Manuscript Tradition of Aeschines’ Orations
The Mare, the Vixen, and the Bee: Sophrosyne as the Virtue of Women in Antiquity
The Miracles of Cyrus and John: New Old Readings from the Manuscript
The Name of Achilles: Questions of Etymology and “Folk-Etymology”
The Nature of Homeric Composition
The New Gallus and the Origins of Latin Love Elegy
The Origin and Date of the Sortes Astrampsychi
The Origin and Semantic Development of the Term Harmony
The Parodos of Aristophanes’ Wasps
The Plan and Intention of Aristotle’s Ethical and Political Writings
The Political Use of Antiquity in the Literature of the German Democratic Republic
The Problematic Mention of Hippocrates in Plato’s Phaedrus
The Proems of Plutarch’s Lives
The Prosody of the Epic Adonius and its Prehistory
The Psychology of Uncertainty in Senecan Tragedy
The Refugee Classical Scholars in the USA: An Evaluation of their Contribution
The Role of the Papyri in Etymological Reconstruction
The Sahidic Version of Kingdoms IV
The Second Medicean Ms. and the Text of Tacitus
The Status of [æ:] in Attic Greek
The Structure and Function of Horace, Odes 1.17
The Suppliant’s Voice and Gesture in Vergil and Ovid’s Metamorphoses
The Survival of the Bronze-Age Demon
The Text of Prodromus’ Novel
The Text of St. Prosper’s De Providentia Dei
The Textual Transmission of the Sortes Astrampsychi
The Third-Century B.C. Land-Leases from Tholthis
The Timaeus on Types of Duration
The Title of Plato’s Republic
The Two Faces of Hesiod’s Muse
The Two Worlds of the Antigone
The Vertumnus Elegy and Propertius Book IV
The v-Recension of St. Cyril’s Lexicon
The Warp and Woof of the Universe in Lucretius
The Weapons of Love and War: A Note on Propertius IV. 3
The Wedding Hymn of Acta Thomae
The World as Art-Object: Science and the Real in Plato’s Timaeus
The World-Soul in the Platonic Cosmology
Theophilus of Antioch: Fifty-five Emendations
Theophilus of Antioch: Jewish Christian?
Theory and Practice in the Vergilian Cento
Thomas Stanley’s Aeschylus: Renaissance Practical Criticism of Greek Tragedy
Thrasyllus in Tacitus (Ann. 6.21)
Three Notes on Habeo and Ac in the Itinerarium Egeriae
Three Textual Notes
Thus Nature Ordains: Juvenal’s Fourteenth Satire
Tityrus in Rom—Bemerkungen zu einem vergilischen Thema and seiner Rezeptionsgeschichte
Towards a Practical Criticism of Caesar’s Prose Style
Tragic Contaminatio in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Procne and Medea; Philomela and Iphigeneia (6. 424-674); Scylla and Phaedra (8. 19-151)
Transhumance on Taygetos in the Chronicle of Morea
True Justice in the Republic
Two Greek Documents from Provincia Arabia
Two Literary Papyri in an Archive from Panopolis
Two More New Verses of Hipponax (and a Spurium of Philoxenus)?
Two Notes on the Canterbury Biblical Commentaries
Two Views of Soul: Aristotle and Descartes
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff on Wilhelm Dilthey: His Letters to Georg Misch (1914-1928)
Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff to James Loeb: Two Unpublished Letters
Un passage héraclitéen dans le Politique
Una nuova interpretazione del De genio Socrates
Une écriture d’imitation: le Palatinus Vaticanus graecus 186
Vainglorious Menippus In Lucian’s Dialogues of the Dead
Varia Fulgentiana
Verita e accordo contrattuale (σύνθεσις) in Pindaro, fr. 205 Sn.-Maehl.
Verkannte Genitive bei Prudentius
Versumstellungen in der griechischen Tragödie
Virgil and the Elegiac Sensibility
Virgil’s Danaid Ekphrasis
Was Ovid a Silver Latin Poet?
Weitere textkritische Nachlese zu Artemidor
Where Did the Emperor Lurk? HA, Hadrian 16. 3
Who was Corax?
Words into Verse: The Localization of Some Metrical Word -Types in the Iambic Trimeter of Sophocles
Xenophanes on Drinking-Parties and Olympic Games
Zu Appuleius, Metamorphosen 1. 15
Zu Claudians Invektive gegen Rufin
Εὐπόρως ἔχειν and Antiphon, De caede Herodis
ΚΑΙ ΚΕ ΤΙΣ ΩΔ` ΕΡΕΕΙ: An Homeric Device in Greek Literature
Πρòç τòv εiπóτα — Sources and Credibility of De Stoicorum Repugnatiis 8
О Характере Конфликта В Комедиях Менандра (On the Nature of Conflict in the Comedies of Menander)
07 Saturday Dec 2013
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inMarvin Minsky’s book The Society of Mind (1987) is now free under Creative Commons.