Announcing a new JURN tool: the “Recently available via JURN Search…” page. 180 viable/active RSS feeds, discovered via delving into the 3,000 links on the JURN Directory, and then tied into some whizz-bang Web code. The page only shows the most recent article per journal, then it re-sorts the whole list by date. Without a wider use of RSS among open access ejournals, this page is as near as JURN can get to a “new issue alerts” service, let alone a full TOCs service. It’ll be tweaked and improved over the coming months. Enjoy…


Yes, statistics hounds: only 180 decent RSS feeds after weeding, from 3,000 links. It puts the number of free/open arts and humanities ejournals using RSS autodiscovery at about 6%. In the coming weeks I’ll be doing some Google searching for filetype:rss etc, to see if I can manually discover more. Update: added another 42 feeds.