Full-text -linked articles and papers listed on RePEc IDEAS (the clearing house and index for economics papers), as of 3rd May 2012, those covering: the creative industries; the creative economy; and the economy of the arts and of artists. Listed here so that the titles can at least be indexed by JURN…
A Composite Index of the Creative Economy
A Model for Pricing the Italian Contemporary Art Paintings at Auction
A Portrait of the Artists as Young or Old Innovators
A Review of the Arts of Supply Response Analysis
A Study of the Choreographer / Composer Collaboration
Accounting for Taste: An Examination of Socioeconomic Gradients
Acoustic Projection and the Politics of Sound
An Economic History of American Art Museums
Analyzing Artistic Innovation: The Greatest Breakthroughs of the
Anchoring Effects: Evidence from Art Auctions
Art Auctions
Art Collections as a Strategy Tool: a Typology based on the Belgian
Art economics: a new approach
Art Fakes — What Fakes? An Economic View
Art in Context: Aesthetics, Environment and Function in the Arts of
Art Museums in the United States: A Financial Portrait
Art, Culture, and New York City
Artistic Autonomy in Soviet Cinematography
Auction Prices of Classical Music Manuscripts
Awards, Success and Aesthetic Quality in the Arts
Batik Industry Of Indonesia: The Rise, Fall And Prospects
Beggar-thy-neighbor in Art Consumption
Benchmarking and understanding London’s Cultural and Creative
Berlin als Standort der Kreativwirtschaft immer bedeutender
Better off Dead? Prices Realised for Australian Paintings Sold at
Beyond the Dogma of the Fixed Book Price Agreement
Bookshop, blockbusters and readers’ tastes: a new appraisal of the
Bringing History into Evolutionary Economic Geography for a Better
Buying Beauty: On Prices and Returns in the Art Market
Children Reading Fiction Books Because They Want To
Community as a locus of innovation: co-innovation with users in the
Connecticut: A State of the Arts?
Constructing regional advantage: Platform policies based on related
Contingent Valuation Studies in the Arts and Culture: An Annotated
Corporate Donations to the Arts: Philanthropy or Advertising?
Creative and knowledge economies and their linkages with other
Creative clusters in Europe: a microdata approach
Creative Clusters in Low Density Areas: A Case-Study Approach
Creative Economy: Determinants And Stakes Of Creativity And
Creative Industries, New Business Formation and Regional
Creative Industry Clusters and the ‘Entrepreneurial City’ of Shanghai
Creative-based strategies in small and medium-sized cities: some
Creativity and Industrial Cities: A Case Study of Baltimore
Creativity in the Age of the Internet
Creativity, Culture And Tourism Triangle; An Evaluation Of Two
Credit default swaps and an application to the art market: a proposal
Cross-listing in the U.S. and domestic investor protection
Cultural districts, property rights, and sustainable economic growth
Cultural Policies in Europe.From a State to a City-Centered
Culture, Conflict and Community: Rituals of Protest or Flairs of
Dealers in Art
Decreasing Copyright Enforcement Costs: The Scope of a Gradual
Demand Distribution Dynamics in Creative Industries: the Market for
Demographischer Wandel Und Kulturelle Infrastruktur
Determining Heterogeneous Behaviour for Theater Participation
Die Performance deutscher Kinofilme und zeitgenoessischer
Do creative industries cluster? Mapping Creative Local Production
Do U.S. Paintings Follow the CAPM? Findings Disaggregated by
Dynamic cities and creative clusters
Dynamic Model of Arts Labor Supply
Econometric analysis of volatile art markets
Economic Contribution Of Copyright-Based Industries And Impact
Economic Development, Enlightenment and Creative transformation
Economic revitalization through the arts: the creative economy
Empreendedorismo nas Artes ou Artes do Empreendedorismo?
Entrepreneurial Finance and the Flat-World Hypothesis: Evidence
Entrepreneurship in a modern network economy
Estimation of hedonistic price function for Claude Monet’s pictures
Expanse Creative Economy and its Impact on the Less Developed
Explaining The Breadth Of Expert Estimate Ranges In Auctions Of
Exploring The Conceptual Underpinnings Of The Creative Industries
Ex-Post: The Investment Performance of Collectible Stamps
Failure to Meet the Reserve Price: The Impact on Returns to Art
Forecasting accuracy of behavioural models for participation in the arts
From creativity to innovativeness: micro evidence from Italy
From Talent to Creative City: Towards a conceptual framework
From the Dual Apprenticeship System to a Dual Labor Market? The
From the New Wave to the New Hollywood: The Life Cycles of
Global-local linkages, Spillovers and Cultural Clusters: Theoretical
Governance and Creativity on Urban Regeneration Processes
Government Policy Toward Art Museums in the United States
How can we deal with the contemporary places and spaces of new
How the Arts Impact Communities: An introduction to the literature
Incomplete Information and Experimentation in the Arts
Increasing Returns to Information in the U.S. Popular Music Industry
Information externality in the arts and the public intervention
Innovative Retail and the UK Growth Agenda
Regional Development — human capital, the creative class and tolerance
Investments in Painting: The interaction of monetary return and
Kreative in Berlin: eine Untersuchung zum Thema
London: a Cultural Audit
Major influences on circus attendance
Making world heritage truly global: the culture certificate scheme
Mark Blaug and the Economics of the Arts
Marketing and technology sophistication as hidden weapons for
Methodological approaches for measuring the creative employment
Methodological framework for cluster analyses
Mobilising rural communities to achieve environmental sustainability
Moral Rights Protection for the Visual Arts
Multiple job holding: the artist’s labor supply approach
Music Piracy and Its Effects on Demand, Supply, and Welfare
Music Scenes to Music Clusters – the economic geography of music
Network governance work: evidence from the video game industry
Networks of knowledge and support. Mapping relations between
Nonprofit Organizations and the Intersectoral Division of Labor in the
Paintings and Numbers: An Econometric Investigation of Sales
Public Attitudes Towards Cultural Authority and Cultural Diversity in
Quality Investment and Price Formation in the Performing Arts Sector
Re-Creating New Orleans: Driving Development Through Creativity
Regional Development in the Creative Age
Reputation, Price, and Death: An Empirical Analysis of Art Price
Research and Development in Culture: A Case for Cross Subsidies
Resources for Studying Public Participation in the Arts: Inventory
Rethinking the Spatial Organization of Creative Industries
Sale Rates and Price Movements in Art Auctions
Sample Selection Bias and Time Instability of Hedonic Art Price
Spatial Concentration of Creative Industries in Los Angeles
Stealing History: How does Provenance Affect the Price of Antiquities?
Studies of Artists: An Annotated Directory
Tax Policy Toward Art Museums
Testing for Reference Dependence: An Application to the Art Market
That’s Entertainment – scale and scope economies in the location
The 1980s Price Bubble on (Post) Impressionism
The Contribution of Cultural Infrastructure and Events to regional
The Creative Class and Regional Growth: Towards a Knowledge
The Creative Economy and the dynamics of regional systems
The Creative Economy in Iowa
The Creative Industrial Park: formation path and evolution mechanism
The Cultural and Creative Industries: A Critical History
The Cultural Economy of Paris
The Demand for the Arts
The Demand for Theatre. A Microeconomic Approach to the Italian
The Dynamics of Interfirm Networks along the Industry Life Cycle
The Economics of Latin American Art: Creativity Patterns and Rates
The Economics of Museums
The effects of gallery and artist reputation on prices in the primary
The Effects of Workforce Creativity on Earnings in U.S. Counties
The Emergence of Rural Artistic Havens: A First Look
The empirical test of the Aesthetic Matrix of Art Economics: the Magic Flute
The Fine Arts Market: The Methodological Limitations of Art
The Formation and Regeneration of Old Industrial Zones in Nanjing
The Iconic Boom in Modern Russian Art
The Impact Of Cultural-Creative Industries On The Economic Growth
The Importance of Creative Industry Agglomerations in Explaining
The Internalization of Advertising Services: An Inter-Industry Analysis
The International Mobility of Talent and its Impact on Global
The Internet Marketing Solution Toward Creative Industries in
The Labor Market in the Seventeenth-Century Italian Art Sector
The Law, Culture, and Economics of Fashion
The Making of Cultural Policy: A European Perspective
The Management of Events in the Veneto Performing Music Cluster
The Media Gatekeeping Model Updated
The Missing Middle: Communities of Practice in a Freelance Labour
The Political Economy of Cultural Spending: Evidence from Italian
The Price of Degenerate Art
The Resource Curse: A Corporate Transparency Channel
The Role of Creative Industries in Industrial Innovation
The role of creative industries in regional development of East Asian
The Sales Effect of Word of Mouth: A Model for Creative Goods and
The Smuggling of Art, and the Art of Smuggling: Uncovering the Illicit
The Value of Autonomy: Evidence from the Self-Employed in 23
The Web’s Promotional Effect and Artists’ Strategies
Tribal Art Market: Signs and Signals
Understanding Production in the Performing Arts: A Production
Unfamiliar Objects in Familiar Spaces: The Public Response to Art
Urban Development & Creative Communities As A Prerequisite For
War, Inflation, Monetary Reforms and the Art Market: The Belgian Art
What determines the World Heritage List? An econometric analysis
Why do creative industries cluster? An analysis of the determinants
World Heritage List: does it make sense?
World Heritage: Where are we? An empirical analysis