The JURN index and Directory updated. 32 new titles added, 25 repaired.
Removed, because dead:
Colloquia back issues (1983-2007); Nordic Journal of Architectural Research; Applied Theater Researcher; Journal of Texas Music History (site live, PDFs dead); Kilvert Society Journal (now members-only); Future Reflections: Blind Children; Limit{E} Beckett (Samuel Beckett); Mots Pluriels; Literature Matters (British Council); Cineaste (articles still online, home page totally dead); Language & Ecology; Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies; ; Seachange; and PAGE.
David Haden said:
Update: re-found Medicina Antiqua and World History Review.
David Haden said:
The server of Culture, Society, and Praxis seems to have come back from the dead – must have been a weekend outage.