GUI DEiXTo 2.9.6 (Jan 2012), free Windows software for scraping records from older repositories that don’t use OAI-PMH. The English User Manual is here.
23 Monday Jan 2012
23 Monday Jan 2012
GUI DEiXTo 2.9.6 (Jan 2012), free Windows software for scraping records from older repositories that don’t use OAI-PMH. The English User Manual is here.
23 Monday Jan 2012
A report on JISC Discovery 2012 (11th Jan 2012).
22 Sunday Jan 2012
Omeka: a complete WordPress-like digital collections management system, for academics. It’s free, from the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. It’s easy to install and use, and has themes, and plugins, and media support, just like WordPress.
Plugins include…
* OAI-PMH repository metadata harvester and CSV import
* Allow users to add a comment and rating to any record. Also add social media buttons.
* Add Library of Congress Subject Headings to your records
* Have your collection records be readable for Zotero users
22 Sunday Jan 2012
A search modifier I’d like to see in Google Search…
infirstpage: (similar to the existing intitle: but it would return a result only if the keyword or phrase occurs in the first 360 words of a document)
19 Thursday Jan 2012
David Shotton proposes The Five Stars of Online Journal Articles…
“I propose five factors — peer review, open access, enriched content, available datasets and machine-readable metadata — as the Five Stars of Online Journal Articles.”
From a search perspective, I might suggest we need to add another star for “Googlyness”, when all the following factors are present…
* search-engine friendliness (i.e.: make sure the article title shows up as the clickable link in search results, not something like “43w94.taryyt.indd”)
* RSS feeds for linked tables-of-contents
* embedding of the journal title and home URL in each individual PDF or HTML article page (so they can be easily tracked back, after they get casually downloaded to a hard-drive)
18 Wednesday Jan 2012
Posted Academic search
inNew from Crossref, a simple web query interface (running off citeproc.js) that automatically turns any cryptic DOI (e.g.: 10.1112/plms/s2-43.6.544 ) into a usable short bibliographic entry.
18 Wednesday Jan 2012
Posted My general observations
inJURN has joined Wikipedia, the Internet Archive, O’Reilly, Make magazine, and others in blacking out the service, for 24 hours.
18 Wednesday Jan 2012
Posted JURN's Google watch
inGoogle’s new guide on how to add name authority (that shows up in Google Search results) to your online articles or blog posts. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to rely on you signing up with Google’s Facebook-challenger Google+.
17 Tuesday Jan 2012
Posted Spotted in the news
inWikipedia is to shut down for 24 hours (5am GMT Weds to 5AM GMT Thurs), in protest against the new copyright legislation being pushed by big publishers in the USA — the SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) and the PIPA (the Protect Intellectual Property Act). Also very worrying is the Research Works Act.
16 Monday Jan 2012
Posted Spotted in the news
inWordPress Academic People List. A directory plugin for WordPress that’s actively developed, and is currently at version 0.4.1…
“Provides the ability to profile users academically and create categories of academic people. View a list of projects, publications, and research areas.”