Well, it’s now midday on Monday and Oxford Journals are still offering up full-text PDFs via Google searches, so I think it’s safe to index a few more titles. I’ve indexed another 13 Oxford titles in JURN. The full list of such titles, indexed at the article level, is now:—

American Literary History
British Journal of Aesthetics, The
Contemporary Women’s Writing
English Historical Review, The
Early Music
English: Journal of the English Association
French History
Forum for Modern Language Studies
French Studies
German History
History Workshop Journal
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Journal of Design History
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of Hindu Studies, The
Journal of Islamic Studies
Journal of Semitic Studies
Literary Imagination
Music and Letters
Musical Quarterly
Notes and Queries (not well indexed by Google)
Oxford Art Journal
Oral History Review, The
Oxford Art Journal
Past & Present
The Review of English Studies
Sociology of Religion
Twentieth Century British History
Year’s Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, The
Year’s Work in English Studies, The

I’m wondering if this new ‘free access’ is about increasing the impact factor of each journal?