JURN has had its regular check for link-rot, via an automated test of the validity of the URLs in the JURN Directory. Moved, altered or dead URLs were all checked and re-found if possible.

I have repaired the Directory URLs, and fixed the article-level URLs, from around fifty ejournals.

Removed from JURN:

Bilingual Research Journal (Its formerly free content now appears to be behind a paywall at the Taylor & Francis Group site).

Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections. (Journal articles can no longer be indexed due to a new URL structure. A link remains in the Directory).

Alternate Music Press : multimedia journal of new music (Vanished).

New Routes (British Council, vanished).

Historic Brass Journal. (Appears to no longer offer free content).

De Arte. (Vanished).

Gallery Quarterly (1956-1978). (Vanished)

China Publishing e-Journal. (Vanished).

Georgian Cultural Antiquities. (Vanished)

Biblical Studies on the Web (Appears to have turned into a discussion forum, journal archives have vanished).

Byzantine Studies. (Appears to have deleted all their English pages).

Millennium Yearbook : … Culture and History of the First Millennium. (Now behind a paywall).

Rebuilding of the Classics newsletter. (Vanished).

Flinders Journal of History & Politics. (Vanished).

Vulcan : Journal of the Social History of Military Technology. (Vanished).

Galilaeana : journal of Galilean Studies (Galileo). (Full-text content appears to no longer be online?).

Nuncius : journal of the history of science. (Full-text content appears to no longer be online?).

UT-ECIPA Working Papers. (Vanished).

Journal of American Studies of Turkey. (Vanished).

Focus Anthropology. (Vanished).

Black Arts Quarterly. (Vanished).

Word is Out. (Vanished).

ERCES : … Crime, Ethics and Social Philosophy. (Vanished).

Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic. (Now behind an Informaworld paywall).

Univ. of Minnesota Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy. (Vanished).

Constructions. (Vanished along with the rest of elanguage.net).

Journal of Mesoamerican Languages and Linguistics. (Vanished along with the rest of elanguage.net).

Linguistic Issues in Language Technology. (Vanished along with the rest of elanguage.net).

Journal of British and American Studies. (Vanished).

Sagar. (Vanished).

Journal of Mundane Behaviour. (Dead site).

If anyone knows the online whereabouts of any of the above, please add a note and URL in the comments of this post.