All 2,300+ links on the Directory have been checked for viability. About 40 links have been repaired on both the Directory and in the Index.

The following dead sites/journals have been removed from the Directory and Index:—

Fourth World Bulletin.

Vis-a-vis : Explorations in Anthropology.

Hamazor (Magazine of Zoroastrian culture).

Women in Judaism.

Journal of Hungarian Studies (1996-1997).


Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies.

East West Connections Journal.

Journal of the Danish Society for Central Asia.


New Zealand Journal of Research in Performing Arts.


JAC : interdisciplinary study of rhetoric writing culture and politics.

Metabasis : philosophy and communication.

Review of Communication.

Dualist : Stanford Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy.

Siar : the Journal of … Irish Studies – link removed, spam site

Green Places journal.

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C.

Knowledge Politics Quarterly.

Glasgow Review.

Goldberg magazine (Early music).

Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.

North Star : Journal of American-American Religious History.

If anyone knows the online whereabouts of any of the above, please use the comments form on this blog posting.


Media Anthropology Working Papers – removed from index, as Google can no longer “see” the PDF files due to use of dynamic URLs.

Early Medieval China – seems to be subscribers-only now.

Double Reed – is now password-protected.

Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies – seems to be subscribers-only now.

Musicae Scientiae : … Cognitive Sciences of Music – seems to be subscribers-only now.