The new Journal TOCs search tool allows you to…
“…search the latest Table of Contents (TOCs) of 12,568 journals collected from 422 publishers. More journals are added continuously. You can start by searching for TOCs by journal title or by keywords (searching 336,025 TOC articles). You also can browse TOCs by publisher or by subject. Then, if you click on a journal title, the latest Table of Contents will be displayed.”

Seemingly recently launched without any marketing buzz (not a single blog seems to have linked to it before now), it appears to arise from the “TicTOCs” RSS aggregation service. It’s run by the same people as TicTOCs — Santy Chumbe and Lisa Rogers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to the departmental home page, the £200k two-year TicTOCs is now a “past project” and is dated as having completed in 2009.
Testing the new Journal TOCs with a sample of titles listed by the JURN Directory: such as Comitatus; Museum and Society; ImageTexT; Culture Machine, gives no results. This indicates that Journal TOCs is largely indexing commercial titles, presumably via standard RSS feeds. Although free titles from the French ejournal repository service are included, presumably because standard RSS feeds are to be had.
The old TicTOCs also has search, but its search function is possibly no longer being updated — the database on Journal TOCs appears to be more up-to-date, with my test search bringing results from June 09 which are not to be had from the same search on TicTOCs.