MegaZine v3, an open-source page-flip engine for presenting sophisticated paper-like online magazines and books. Try the demo, which shows how multimedia elements can be easily incorporated into pages — there seems to be a lot of scope for “electronic artists’ books” here, made by those who can use Photoshop but not Flash or Director.


“MegaZine3 is completely written in ActionScript 3 [and you just edit an XML file] … MegaZine3 comes with integrated support for SWFAddress, a JavaScript library allowing a user to deep-link Flash movies.”

The only worry I’d have would be how well search-engines would index the text of articles. It’s somewhat worrying, for instance, that I can’t copy and paste text from the demo. Nor can I search within the text. I guess a publisher would want to put an additional small button on the foot of the web page, leading to a plain version of the text used.