As some readers may have noticed, JURN now has a directory of ejournals in the arts & humanities, organised by subject. This manages to squeeze 1,650 selected titles (from the 2,447 titles currently indexed by the JURN search-engine) into a single widescreen page, using some nifty javascript to open and collapse subjects as your mouse cursor passes over each header.

Whereas the JURN search-engine index uses direct-to-article URLs, the new Directory uses front-page URLs. All Directory links were recently checked/scrubbed via Linkbot and many were also checked by hand/eye…


A widescreen resolution of 1920-pixels width is recommended, otherwise the third and fourth columns may appear squashed.

I hope the JURN directory will be a useful discovery tool. Even after discounting about 150 ‘small press’ literary and some crafts-maker titles, there are still around 1,500 ‘proper’ academic ejournals listed. That compares well with the Directory of Open Access Journals, which currently lists around 700 arts and humanities titles.

Many of the titles not included in the Directory are those primarily published in languages other than English, which are in the JURN search-engine index because they include occasional English-language articles.

If you don’t like all the “bouncy puppy” interactivity on the Directory page, just save it locally and then open it up from wherever you saved it. It’ll act like a normal page.