Nothing about this on Google News, but apparently the universities-only oaFindr has dropped the OA bit of the name and is now called 1Findr…

“1science has decided to change the name of the product line. Market analysis shows that its greatest value is the analysis and the integral access to the content, and to reflect this change, they have changed the prefix “oa” to “1”. So, oaFindr becomes 1Findr; oaFigr becomes 1Figr; and oaFoldr + becomes 1Foldr Data.”

Por un lado, 1science ha decidido cambiar el nombre de línea de productos. Puesto que su mayor valor es el análisis y el acceso integral al contenido, para reflejar este cambio, han cambiado el prefijo “oa” por “1”. Así pues, oaFindr se convierte en 1findr; oaFigr se convierte en 1figr; y oaFoldr + se convierte en 1foldr Data. … proporciona hipervínculos a 30 millones de artículos disponibles en acceso abierto.

Source, SEDEC Bulletin, Nov 2017.

The same source also quotes some current statistics. According to the CEO 1Findr currently … “provides hyperlinks to 30 million articles available in Open Access.” as part of a wider mixed database of records for 85 million. That’s both paywalled and OA academic articles. Apparently dating from the 17th century onwards, interestingly. In comparison, Microsoft Academic’s last known total (late 2016) was 140 million.